NHHS Class of 1973

You are Invited:

to our 51st Reunion The Village Inn 127 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Saturday, September 14, 3:00 PM

No Host Bar & Appetizers No need to respond, just come! Our 50th reunion was such an epic and memorable success that many of us thought,

“Why wait for the 55th or the 60th reunion, let’s have a 51st!”

Ok, Father Time may have had some bearing in our thinking, but having fun with long-time friends is priority #1 and the 50th was fun. The dress is beach casual and there is no admission cost. If you missed the 50th, here’s your chance to see old friends without having to wait four more years. If you did attend the 50th, all the more reason to attend the 51st - you know what to expect!

The reunion committee hopes to see everyone at the Village Inn on September 14th!

Visit us on Social Media: Facebook: NHHS Class of 1973 Instagram: nhhsclassof73

Please visit our gallery page to view commemoration photographs of our classmates who have sailed on before us.

The following graduates are attending the

50th reunion:

Milton Allione, Alan Andrews, Lee Batson, Sterling Ball, Tina Bazacas Buss, Joyce Beaver, Stephanie Beitel, Sally Bemus, John Bentley, Stephanie Moran Bernardy, Crina Bigelow, Walt Binswanger, Teri Brill, Richard Brown, Jan Simpson Burlingham, Christy Butera, Scott Caldwell, Mark Campbell, Cindy Trane Christenson, Craig Clarke, Brian Cokas, Marsha Collins, Robby Conn, Hunt Dabney, Lori Dean, Barbara Dunn, David Egli, Liz Heiser Erdman, Jennifer Conover Evans, David Fawcett, John Ferraro, Jon Fitzgerald, Judith Rose Frederick, Judy Gard, Michael Gatti, Phil Gautschi, Lisa Kirby Gibbs, Wendy Golden, Suzie Williams Graf, Betsy Staub Grainger, Gary Hammerslag, Rory Harden, Bill Heidbrink, Bob Hendershot, Jamie Holmes, Gay Anthony Holmes, Pat Honeywell, Tony Horvath, Margaret Huffman, Jim Jacobsen, Tayrin Rendon Jensen, Dan Johnson, Douglas Johnson, Laura Johnson, Vicki Swensen Juelsgaard, Katherine Killick, Debbie Kilmer, Dana Kemper, Ken Klingensmith, Bill Leith, Gary Litten, Jim Lord, Harriette Watford Lowenthal, Dave Lumian, Beth Luymes, Jim Maskrey, Debbie McComb, McGraw, Joseph, Sandy McKinlay, Craig Miller, Sherry Miller Astrella, Terrill Moore, Valerie Jahns Morris, Joe Mulroy, Maureen Murphy, Janice Levy Noel, Judith Catherine Oliver, Mary Jo Cripe O’Neil, Susan Oyler, Christie Silsbee Poor, Renee Racciatti, Bob Rasmusson, Teddie Harrison Ray, Rochelle Barto Rabago, Julie Wild Reetz, Phyllis Righter, Diana Maag Ruhlander, Gregg Schmidt, Tom Searles, Jeff Sebek, Mike Sketch, Kurt Spreen, Jim Swick, Cari Swidler Hoyt, Mindy Keigh Thigpen, Charles Thompson, Tom Tupman, Dan Vordale, Keith Wall, Calene Ward, Robert Watson, Peder White, Bob Whitford, Bill Whitford, Abby Wilson, Julie Sparks Wilson, Rick Woodward, JD Young, Jim Young.

The Time is Now

So, Class of ‘ 73, the time is NOW (2023). Time to reminisce and enjoy one another’s company for an epically fun night that occurs only once every ten years! Don’t be left out and don’t regret not going. To state the obvious, some of us may not have the luxury of turning down the next reunion, assuming there is one. Eighty-eight year old Clint Eastwood, just before he was about to direct his next movie was asked, “What keeps you going?” Mr. Eastwood’s response? “I get up every morning and I don’t let the old guy in.” There’s a lot of wisdom in those words. Don’t let that old, that shy, or that insecure person in. We want to see all of you at the reunion.

The Bloodhound Brigade

If you are interested in helping the reunion committee, we would love for you to join the “Bloodhound Brigade.” Become a Bloodhound to help us track down and corner some of our hard-to-locate 1973 classmates.

Please call, text, or email: Suzie Williams Graf, our “Lead Tracker” at energyconnects@gmail.com

or call 949-374-6775

You can also contact any of the following people on the Bloodhound Brigade committee, as bloodhounds respond quickly. Please give one of these contacts information on missing classmates.

Mindy Keigh- mindylou@cox.net 949-244-2286

Christie Silsbee Poor- poorchristie@gmail.com 805-680-9086

J.D. Young- jdy2u2@gmail.com 630-730-5887

Tayrin Rendon- 1101@gmail 949-291-2575

Another way that you can help is to review the list of 1973 graduates that is attached in the link below. Please send us information for anyone that is not on our FOUND list, or if you have information on classmates who are deceased. Please email or call one of the above contacts in order for us to find as many people as possible.

Click here to view the PDF list of 1973 graduates .

50 Year Reunion Committee

Jim Young, Christy Butera, Christie Silsbee Poor, Jeff Sebek, Debbie Kilmer, Tayrin Rendon and Suzie Williams Graf. Committee members that were not available for the group photo are shown below. Click right arrow to advance the carousel. J.D. Young, Tom Searles, & Mindy Keigh.
